43 Xaldeias Str / Elliniko 16777 / Athens
Τηλ:210 96 04 062

The reliable and high quality products and services provided, by Prisma have led to permanent and exclusive partnerships with companies such as: TIM, McDONALD'S, NIK. J. THEOHARAKIS, E-SHOP COCA COLA, LEO BURNETT, INTERAMERICAN ROAD PROTECTION, DAIKIN, GAP, GRAND OPTICAL NAKAS PAPER, Philippos Nakas, FG EUROPE, SATO, SHARP, OVENS VENETIS, DUTY FREE SHOPS COLORI and many others.

Prisma has been a reliable partner not only in the construction field but also in promotions for major brands such as: Nissan, Lipton Powerade, Johnnie Walker, Suzuki Marine, Clarion, Marlboro, Gordon's Space, Cadbury's, Amita.

2011 DESIGNME [Brainwave Creative - Pcforce]